

From poetry to essays on my original artwork.
Check out some food for thought




I am very honoured to have my painting “Apocalypse” place in the top 10 in the
100 Kellogg Lane Art Comp 2023.

Welcome To My Studio!

I am a fine artist, tinkerer, and explorer. Using both traditional and digital media, I work on a wide range of things, including original sculpture and painting.

My favourite types of subject matter revolve around steampunk and science, specifically genetics. Mixed media is where I really lose myself.

Coming Up

Exhibition and

Artist Talk

Exhibition Dec 16-Jan 24, 2025
Artist Talk:: 
DATE(S): January 11, 2025
TIME: 02:30 pm – 03:30 pm
EVENT LOCATION: Central Library

Where I've been

I want to express my appreciation to the Ontario Arts Council and the government of Ontario for their support in the form of an Exhibition Assistance Grant, which helped immensely in my ability to participate in Art in the Park in Stratford all summer, and the London Artists Studio Tour in April

Weekends -Victoria Day to Labour Day 

April 20-21, 2024

London Artists studio tour

Blog: Random Musings

I was recently awarded two exhibition assistance grants for showing work this year. I truly want to express my appreciation for both …

Today I’m doing a video post, as I unbox a package left for me by a visitor from the studio tour. https://youtu.be/knpjNNQUvgc

Kelloggs Art Comp 2023

News ART COMP TOP TEN FNALIST I am very honoured to have my painting “Apocalypse” place in the top 10 in the …

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I will never sell or give away your information. You are consenting to recieve periodic emails from me that are relevant to my artwork and exhibitions.

“Inspiration is for amateurs... the rest of us just roll up our sleeves and get to work.”

Chuck Close

Ontario Arts Council

I want to express my appreciation to the Ontario Arts Council and the government of Ontario for their support in the form of an Exhibition Assistance Grant, which helped immensely in my ability to participate in the London Artists Studio Tour this past year.

“Everything you can imagine is real”

 Pablo Picasso

I would like to acknowledge exhibition assistance of the Ontario Arts Council, for both the London Artist’s Studio Tour in 2024, and Art in the Park in Stratford.

Stay In The Loop!

Interested in keeping informed of new exhibitions and work? Sign up below.

I will never sell or give away your information. You are consenting to recieve periodic emails from me that are relevant to my artwork and exhibitions.