Today I’m going to talk about a subject I truly struggle with: social media. Remembering to document my work as I go along is difficult at best. I’m so caught up in the actual work, I often don’t think to stop and take photos along the way, much less shoot video while I’m working. It’s […]

Interview On Rogers TV
I was thrilled (and terrified) to do this interview on Rogers TV. Kathy Mueller was great, and her producer Tim O’Neill was fantastic. I appreciate both of them very much. The whole show is linked here. My interview is first up on the docket.
Community Arts Investment Program grant from London Arts Council, City of London, 2018, Project funding
Community Arts Investment Program grant from London Arts Council, City of London, 2011, Project funding
EpigeneticsEh! selected artist participant, London Arts Council/City of London, selected to create work for Epigenetics Conference May 2011.
Ontario Arts Council, Exhibition Assistance for “Information System”, 2011.
City of London, EpigenticsEh! artwork
The Centre for Applied Genomics at Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto
London Community News, Epigenetic Art on The Wall, June 17, 2011
Epigenetics Eh!, Conference Proceedings, abstract and biography, May 2011
BC Local news, Passive Aggressive Work on Display, April 19, 2011
Artscape, June 2007
London Free Press, August 6, 2006
London Free Press 1994
Greater Midwest International Exhibit, 1994, catalog essay