Habitat for Humanity Auction

So a while ago, I was asked to participate in the “Party for Humanity” fundraiser, September 26, 2019, for Habitat for Humanity, by donating a piece for work for the auction. I am selective who I donate to, unfortunately, you have to be. Artists get asked to donate their work all the time for causes, which I’m sure are all great, but I simply can’t afford to give away a lot of work. This is how I make my living after all. (topic for discussion another day… )

However this aligned with a lot of what I do as an artist. I get so much of my bits and pieces for artwork from the Habitat for Humanity ReStore as well as thrift shops and second hand, that I felt it was a great fit.

My goal here, was to create a piece that was representative of my work, yet used more that 75% content picked up strictly at the ReStore. Upcycling and repurposing items is my jam, its one of the biggest things I focus on as an artist.

So let’s get started walking through this build. We’ll start with a short  video showing some of the things I picked up on my scouting trip that I made specifically for this project. As you will eventually see, some of those items didn’t make it into this piece, but don’t think for a minute they will go unused! So while not all of these parts made it into this build, I wanted to make sure I used, as much as possible, only things I had purchased or “collected” at the ReStore to create it. In the end, the only items that did not come from the ReStore were the box, paint, vinyl transfer and one 8” piece of pipe.

I hope you enjoy this video.Watch for my next post where I discuss the actual build of the lamp for the auction.


For more information on the Habitat For Humanity Event and auction.

The Habitat for Humanity ReStore