Plastic… of sorts

Just experimented with styrofoam and acetone. Just a teeny tiny bit of acetone in the bottom of a glass jar, and some old styrofoam packaging. I ended up using about a 12 inch long piece about 2 inches thick. First of all it’s just cool to see the acetone eat up the styrofoam. It’s crazy. Then you get this goo at the bottom, that is sort of malleable. Maybe it needs more foam for body, not sure, will have to do some experimenting. But it’s kind of stringy and once its out of the acetone wants to return to a solid rather quickly. It also is VERY messy and sticks to your hands very well, so I recommend glove or something.  I tried pouring it into a n old rubber mold, but I’m not sure it will work. We’ll have to see on that one. Also spread some around on an old palette with a painting knife, with out much of anything to show for it. But again this is only the first experiment. I was happy to see the foam melt.. what to do with it will come.
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