A Woman’s Freedom
A mixed media sculpture using poetry, and physical objects. This piece came about from a great deal of thought about my own fertility and my great desire to not have children. The idea that for me in this time period in which I grew up, it was a real empowered choice that I had, and […]

DNA: Structure and Meaning
This piece is a large movable group of 8 paintings. This configuration is approximately 6 feet x 9 feet high. Read the full essay that describes the work.

And so with my curiosity came a changed world. I hardly know if I should run away from it, or stand up,greet it and embrace it. But change my whole world? Amazing how one simple act can alter one’s entire perspective, indeedone’s entire existence. Should I stop others from joining my fate or is ittoo […]

Other Poetry
Clarity You’ve no idea how rare, how exquisite it is to have moments of absolute clarity when you’re so often entertaining at least a half a dozen at a time in your head. When you can float out above your skin, when you Can absorb the stillness of the night. The silence is so loud […]